Trinity Global Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Worshipping passionately, Loving extravagantly, Witnessing boldly

ABC’s of Trinity A-D

We have chosen to let everyone know what types of opportunities for ministry, fellowship and good times are available here at Trinity.  If you have any questions, just call the office at 814-382-1121

The ABC’s of Trinity

A is for:

Acolytes – youngsters grade 3 and older light the candles each week, bringing the light of Jesus into the sanctuary and taking it out at the end of the service as we go to serve God.  Parents may contact the office if interested in having your child learn how to serve at this very young age.

Altar Guild – Parishioners serve on the altar guild for one month at a time.  Dutiies include changing and checking candles as needed, altar clothes, keeping the altar and the cross clean and shining and preparing communion and help serve.

Attendance Register – These books are in the pews and should be passed and signed each week so we can keep track of how many were here.  It also helps us see who wasn’t here and verify that we didn’t just miss them.  It also helps with visitors so we can contact them.

B is for:

Baby Spoons – In recognition of a baby being added to our church family, outreach presents the baby with a silver spoon as a remembrance from Trinity.  (We used to do blankets, but changed because so many had family blankets they preferred).

Benevolence Fund – The first Sunday of each month, an offering is received and used for the benevolence to help families in need, especially in crisis situations.  Funds are not given directly to a person, but to the person filling the need (car repairs, utilities, etc).  The office takes the call and a benevolent committee screens the application.  It is truly a neat ministry.

Bible Study – Women get together at 9:30 a.m. each Tuesday for Bible Study led by Jane Mealy.  Men and women both have a Bible study each Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. with Pastor Russ. 

C is for:

Card Ministry – People from the church send cards to others in the congregation who may be ill, recovering from surgery, need cheering up or sympathy – just another reminder that Trinity cares.

College Boxes – Several times a year, the congregation members bring snacks and other treats which are then packed and sent to college students connected in some ways to Trinity. 

Community Cupboard – On the first Thursday of every month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m., we distribute bags of “essentials” which cannot be purchased with a welfare card.  These include such things as soap, deodorant, laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc.  The recipients come to Trinity to sign up and receive the items, which are packed by the Community Cupboard volunteers.   It is another way to minister to those in need and we pray with them if they ask.  People may donate these items to be included in the bag or may donate money and the volunteers shop for the items, using coupons and sales to get the best prices. 

D is for:

Decorating the Bulletin Boards – This includes updating our ministries, missions, and outreach bulletin boards.

Disciples – This is our goal: To become Disciples of Christ