Trinity Global Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Worshipping passionately, Loving extravagantly, Witnessing boldly

ABC’s of Trinity E-I

E is for:

Education Committee – This committee is responsible for the education programs of the church, which includes Sunday School for all ages, Vacation Bible School, and other educational opportunities.

Elevette – The elevette was installed years ago and serves as a wonderful tool to allow handicapped people to get from one floor to the other very easily so they can participate in all our activities

F is for:

Facebook – We have a Facebook page in which we list activities and updates to let people know what is happening at Trinity.

Faith – Our reason for being here – to share our faith and encourage others to share those, to grow in our faith and to let people know how good Jesus is.  This is done through fellowship, prayer and Bible study.

Faith Promise – This ministry supports the missionaries who serve the missionaries around the world.  Parishioners donate funds as they receive them, doing so in faith.  This is above the usual offering.

Fellowship Hall – Our fellowship hall is open to the congregation to use for special events.  A deposit is required and, if cleanup is done, the deposit is returned. This must be reserved ahead of time through the office.

Finance Committee – This committee looks over all the finances monthly, reviews the budget, and approves expenditures.  We have a regular financial policy manual to follow procedures and keep everything under control.  Finance also includes the counters (who count the money each Monday), the treasurer, assistant treasurer and financial secretary (who records people’s donations each week).

First Hour of Fellowship – The first Sunday of each month, we have First Hour of Fellowship (also known as Donut Sunday).  We come together in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 a.m. and have a light breakfast, have a short program with announcements and then go to Sunday School.

Flood Buckets – This committee buys materials for areas dealing with floods. Monetary donations can be made to help purchase supplies. We come together with other churches in the district to provide practical assistance in their time of need.

Flowers – Flowers for the altar each Sunday may be given in honor or memory of someone by signing the flower calendar and letting the office know what you’d like to have listed and the flower fee.  It is a nice way to honor someone or remember someone – especially if you’re having a party because you can take the flowers with you after the service.  We also put poinsettias on the altar at Christmas and other flowers at Easter. 

Funeral Dinners – The church will provide funeral dinners, if the family asks, for those connected to the church.  This is usually arranged through the funeral home or Pastor Russ or Dave when they make arrangements for the funeral.  This ministry plans  menus for the dinner after hearing how many are expected, then calls people who have volunteered to provide food or work and the dinner is served after the funeral service.  It is another nice ministry to those in special need to be able to come back to the Fellowship Hall and spend time together.  Anyone interested in helping or donating food, should contact the church office to be put on the list when the need arises.

G is for:

God – The one we come to worship and serve each week

Greeters – Volunteers sign up to greet people as they enter the church for worship service and also directing visitors to the welcome center to receive welcome packets.  It’s also nice, of course, for those not designated as “greeters” that week to also welcome each other to worship.  A friendly smile is always welcomed.

H is for:

Haiti Orphanage – Trinity supports the Haiti Orphanage through our faith promise for missions.

Handicapped Accessible - We have a handicapped accessible restroom as well as the elevette.

Hearing Aid Device – For those who need a little help hearing, the ushers have hearing devices you can use to help you hear and enjoy the service each week.

His Work/His Way – This is a major ministry of the church, working with volunteers from our church as well as others, we help with repairs to homes for the elderly and low-income who need a hand in making repairs to their home to make them Safer.  Randy Deemer heads this ministry from Trinity.  Youth and adults camp (there is a charge for the campers) and they eat at Trinity.  Trinity and the other churches provide some of the food for the campers so everyone can have a part of doing His Work/His Way.  The funds the campers pay go toward meals, insurance, t-shirts and recreational activities as well as supplies.  The campers also have the opportunity to learn some skills from those who have honed those skills over the years.

I is for:

Intercessory Prayer – In this ministry, people pray for others, interceding with God on their behalf.