Trinity Global Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Worshipping passionately, Loving extravagantly, Witnessing boldly

ABC’s of Trinity P-Z

P is for:

Power Point – Volunteers work on the computer in the balcony, putting the PowerPoint messages on the screen during the service.  Anyone can volunteer to help.  Call the office.

Prayer Blankets – Connie Koch heads this ministry in which women make prayer blankets.  Each row has fringe on it, which is tied off in a knot.  As the women tie the knot, they pray for the recipient of the blanket.  After the blanket is finished, it is given to someone with a special prayer need.

Prayer Blanket Sunday -An Offering is taken on Prayer Blanket Sunday in October to help support this ministry.

Prayer Chain – An email prayer chain sends prayer requests by email to those who have signed up, signifying they wish to have notice of those wanting prayers.

Prayer – We take time to pray as well as praise.

Q is for:

Questions – We always have them – children and adults alike and we prayerfully try to answer as many as we can.  Just ask:  Usually someone can help.

R is for:

Restricted Accounts – We have restricted accounts for which people may donate funds specific for that purpose, rather than the general fund.  These include such things as personage debt repayment, faith promise, camps, memorial fund, buildings and grounds, etc.  If you have a specific idea, ask the trustees and they can let you know if there is a fund established for that.  Donations listed as restricted will not be accepted if we don’t have an existing account for that.

S is for:

Safe Sanctuary – This program is designed to help make our church safe from abuse for everyone.  Every volunteer who helps with the children or youth, has had a background check to make sure that they don’t have a record.  In addition, we have made some physical changes to the church to increase safety.  For example, the Sunday School rooms all have windows in the door so that parents may check in on their kids.  

Safety Program – This new ministry is working on safety plans in case of an emergency.  Maps around the building are located to show us where the nearest exit and how to reach it in case of emergency.

Salvation Army – We help ring the bell each year for the Salvation Army at holiday time.

Samaritans – We work with the Samaritans, a local charitable group,  to help people in low-income situations with practical needs, such as food, clothing, and other critical needs.

Scriptures – Our Guide for how God wants us to live.

Sound Ministry – If someone talks and no one can hear them, is their message effective?  The sound ministry ensures we can hear all that is said.  By using microphones and special headphones for the hard of hearing, this ministry helps everyone appreciate the service more.

Staff/Parish Committee – This committee handles all issues between the staff and the members of the congregation.

Sunday School – An opportunity for people of all ages to learn more about Jesus and the God we serve – and those who served Him before us and what we can learn from them.  It also is a wonderful way to get to know people.

Sunday School Picnic – Each September, we have a social time in the form of a Sunday School Picnic, where we fellowship together.  This picnic is generally held at Gibson Park.

T is for:

Thanksgiving Dinner – Each year, the Junior Youth (and parents and others) cook and serve a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for senior citizens, followed by a talent show, which is also a treat for all involved.

Trinity Clothing – Clothing with our logo or name on it is available from time to time and may be ordered through Stitch Art

Trustees – The Trustees are charged with the responsibility of the care of the church.

U is for:

Ushers – These are men and women (headed by Chuck Groger) who each week are responsible for distributing bulletins, directing people to pews (if needed) and collecting the offering.

Upper Room – These little devotionals are available for a donation in the narthex of the church.

V is for:

Vacation Bible School – VBS is an annual school in which kids up through 6th grade come each night for a week to learn about Jesus, make friends, have fun and grow in their faith.

Visitation – Several members individually and collectively try to visit people who may welcome such a visit.

W is for:

Web Site – Our website helps keep members and others updated on what is happening at Trinity.

Wesley Woods – Wesley Woods is a wonderful church camp where kids go each week to enjoy the camp experience while growing in the Lord.

Welcome Center – This is located in the narthex and provides visitors and others information about the church and its ministries.

Worship – Coming together to worship God is one reason we love Trinity.  The worship committee, headed by Pastor Russ, plans each worship (allowing time for praise and prayer requests and other spontaneous worship) so we can truly come together and worship.

X is for:

Generation X – Those born after World War II (in the 1960’s to 1980’s) are a vital part of the church

Y is for:

Youth Group – We welcome Junior High and Senior High youths to come together to have fun, minister and learn more about their faith and grow in the Lord. They meet Sunday nights at 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Younger Youth Groups – This ministry is for kids from Kindergarten through fifth grade.  They meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Z is for:

Generation Z – Generation Z, born in the 1990’s and later, is the future of the church.  We welcome you and are looking forward to getting to know you better!


If you have any questions or would like to serve in any of these ministries, please let Pastor Russ or Debbie in the office, know.